This sweet little bit turned 10 months the end of June.
I cannot believe we are here.
He is the wildest, roughest, fussiest, squirmiest child I have ever met but oh how I love him.
He loves to climb and explore. The dishwasher is one of his most favorite things. He loves pulling out all the silverware and his newest trick is climbing on top of it.
He loves being out side. If he feels like he is going to be left inside while others are outside he lets you know he's not happy about it.
He loves the water. And not just splashing around in it. He takes full force face dives into it and if he makes it up without chocking he laughs and does it again.
He loves rocks and little things that he can stuff in his mouth. If he sees you coming he crams it in and tries to act like he doesn't have anything.
He says mama, dada, night night, eya "Ellie", and ana " Annie. He loves his sisters and loves being right in the middle of them.
He loves eating and will fuss and give you a earful if you don't feed him fast enough.
Here are some things we want to remember about you at 10 months
- how sweet white hair. It is lighter than your sisters ever were and I think it's so sweet and so does everyone else.
- how sweet voice and how you babble and talk. You point to things off in the distance like you are telling us all about something.
- your fat square feet. I think they are the custest and I hope they stay like that forever.
- your crawl. You crawl like your sister Annie up on your feet and I just love it.
- how much you love to explore. I feel like you are going to be busy and curious always.
-how you give the sweetest big wide open kisses. They are slimy but so so sweet.
Our sweet Henry.... how we love you.