Thursday, October 2, 2014

2 year old Annie

I am still having trouble coping with the fact that my baby is two.
Maybe that's why it has taken me so long to update on here :)
This little bit looks every bit like a two year old but still acts like my baby.
She is not sold on the idea that she wants to be a big girl. Over the last few days everything I have given her she has said "baby" in front of it. She will say " baby drink!?" " baby clothes!?"  And she is always telling me that she is "Mommys baby"

She loves to read books. Her favorite ones are " Not the Hippooptamus", " Manners", the puppy book...I have no idea of the name that's what we call it :)  and Elmo potty book.
If you start ready a book that she doesn't like she will close it up and say " The End"
She loves to color and draw just like her sister.  She is learning her colors. She knows pink, green, and yellow pretty good. I love hearing her say's the sweetest :)

This little bit is a busy little thing and is always into something. She overs doing things that Ellie does. If she can't find Ellie she will walk around the house and say " Where my sissy do?"
She looks up to Ellie so much. We try and tell Ellie that and explain it to her. Ellie can be the sweets to her and when she is it just melts my heart. 

She loves to play hide and go seek. She likes to be your hiding or counting buddy. She will count to ten then help you go look. If she is the hidden she usually just hides with her sissy. I guess she  learned her lesson to stay close because she has been know to lock herself in the closest during hide and seek. 

She likes to go to be at night. Around 700-730 she will bring her blanket and say "I reary do nigh nigh, mommy" she has also been known to fall asleep sitting straight up on SEVERAL occasions. 
She wakes up early, early, early.... 520 to be exact.... We sit in bed and she drink chocolate milk and watches Despicable Me until the sunshine comes out.  I feel like she would still take two naps a day but she can't beceasie of school.
She just loves school. She is always talking about it. She talks about her frog class and her friends and eating her lunch at school. It makes me so happy that she loves it. She says " my teachers nice me"  she sings songs all day. It took me a while to catch on what she was sings but now I know some of them. Abc's is her favorite and it's the cutest to hear her sing it.

We went to the dr on Monday for her 2 yr check
Ht: 35 1/4

She is the same height as Ellie but 2 pounds more than Ellie at 2 :)

Here are some things we want to remember about you at 2:
-Your sweet little singing voice. It melts my heart
-How you love "magmag"...occasionally you will say you are mag mags girl. I  think you just like to work mommy up
- how you love to ride it's a boat, tractor, always want to go!
-how you is your sister when she is at school. When you think it's time to go get her you will come say " I do det my sissy!?!"
- how you love to go shopping g with mommy. You love the shoes and purses. 
- how you love you blankys. You won't leave home without one.
- your soft sweet curls. They make everybody smile.

My sweet Annie girl. I love you so much. You are so sweet and special to me and I love watching you grow and learn. I thank God everyday that he chose me to be your mommy 

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