We made it to the weekend!!!
I feel like it's a reward for making it through the week.
We have a busy day planned for today... starting with Ellie's first soccer game! I will post on that soon 😀
I always hear from this little one.. " would this be a good picture?!" Or "take my picture mommy!!"
Then I get my phone to take a picture and her eyes are all over the place...silly girl.
All the kids including Henry love the bath. I have found that it is so much easier to bath them all together IF everybody cooperates. And they do most of the time... and it's very sweet and fun most of the time ( again... note Annie's eyes)
Ellie had open house at her school this week. So I went to take a picture and wondered... when did she start looking like she was 16?!?
Yesterday she has pj day at school and was beyond excited about this. Off she went slippers on and all 😀
This little guy has just been the sweetest little thing lately. He has really started to cut up and laugh and giggle. It is so much fun. I love watching him sleep and spend to much time doing that. It's just so sweet and peaceful. He looks just like a little angel.
Yesterday afternoon we celebrated Morgan's 3rd birthday at the park. It was a fun time celebrating and catching up with old friends 😀