Thursday, April 7, 2011

1 year old!

My sweet little one is now 1 year old.
It sounds weird to say!
She has been acting more like a 1 month old today instead :)
Everytime I put her down she just burst into tears.
Needless to say I have a very tired arm tonight.

Here are some things we don't want to forget about you at 1 year:
  • How much you love your new wagon! We went for a walk and you rode in it tonight and you were SO proud of yourself. You looked like such a big girl!
  • The way you hair curls up around your ears! I think it is just the sweetest thing ever!
  • How sweet your little hand looks when it reaches out to give me something. It is just so fat and round and sweet!
  • Your sweet smile! No matter how fussy or "bad" you have been as soon as I see your sweet smile it just melts my heart.
  • How you love being outside. You are like a different baby when you are outside
  • How much we love listening to you talk. You can say - Jack (Gac), Mama, Dada, Bye-bye, Bottle( Baba), Thank-you ( Gank- u), Peek-a-boo ( Teeta), Hey and Hi
  • How you have learned to shake your head "yes" and "no". It cracks me up because sometimes you are not sure and so your head just goes around in a circle!
  • How much you love to read your books. You favorite are you peekaboo and baby faces books.
  • How interested you are in other people ( other kids especially). When you are around other kids your just stare at them. You Daddy and I say you have a staring problem!
  • How you love to take things apart! If anything is looking clean or orderly you just make your way on over to DESTROY it.. My busy little bee!
  • How much you love to snuggle before your nap. Your just lay your sweet little head down and listen to me sing. It is so sweet!

We love you so much sweet little girl!

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