Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Well check ups

We went to the doctor a few weeks ago for a Annie check up and a Henry check up.

It was Henry's 4 weeks check up. 
Weight: 12 pounds 8 ounces (93%)
Length: 22 3/4 inches (94%)
He said he looked great and was doing good and that he expected him to be less dusty around 2 months 🙏🏻

Miss Annie had her 4 year check up. She is growing so fast and really is just the sweetest little girls. She is so prissy and just lives in a princess would. I just love her little self so much
Weight: 39 pounds (73%)
Height: 40 3/4 inches (79%)

Annie had to get 4 shots and not one tear was shed. I could not believe she did so good. 

Henry had to get one and it was very sad and pitiful. 

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