Friday, August 2, 2013


My sweet Ellie girl is growing is fast.
Some days I look at her and I just cannot believe that three short years ago she was just a little bundle. 

She is so smart and observant. She is always up for an adventure. Just about every morning she wakes up she will say " where us going? what us making?"
She likes to stay busy like her mom :)

She loves helping and she loves doing things all by herself.
She has just learned how to get on the counter by herself so now she wants to get her plate, bow, cup all by herself. She is very independent. She always has to buckle herself up in her carseat and if anybody tries to help she is insulted.

She just adores her sister Annie and Annie adores her. I'm  afraid Annie is going to be lost with her when school starts back. Ellie is always wanting to play with Annie. She calls her Fannie girl, sweetie heart and cutie :) she loves to walk Annie around and pretend like they are going places. She will tell me that they are going to the store and the movies. She loves for Annie to lay on top of her...if only Annie were a fan. She likes to play for a little but also likes to do her own thing too. She has started to bite Ellie when she won't leave her alone. I try and tell Ellie when she starts growling to leave her alone because she needs her space too. This is a foreign idea for a three year old.

She loves to talk to people. Whenever we are at she will tell me..." I want to talk to him." The other day while we were at the doctor she told me she wanted to talk to the doctor. She sat there and discussed all her boo boos with the doctor at Annie's doctor appointment. She loves our neighbors and is lists telling me she wants to go talk to Mr Steve. She will sit and just talk it up with him. Just like her daddy.

Ellie loves to play pretend. She always wants to play like she is the mommy and I am the sister and 
Annie is the brother...poor Annie. She also likes to play like school. She will tell me over and over that she is Ms Teri and I am Ms Elizabeth:) At "school" she has to take her lunch box full of Dora gummies so she won't be hungry :)

She now has an imaginary friend named Michael. We found him at the Mcwane Center. Ellie said he lost his mommy so now he lives with us. Yesterday at the store we had to buy a sucker for Ellie and Michael. Luckily Michael shared with Annie :)

She loves to be outside. She always tells me she wants to go out to the garden. She loves to eat fresh veggies too. She will eat tomatoes, bell peppers, banana peppers and jalapeƱo peppers right from the garden. Her favorite fruit is and has been watermelon. The other day I bought one and we cut it open and scooped out the watermelon and then she sat there with a spoon and drank all the juice out. She said it was the best water she had ever had:) 

She is the sweetest loving little girl ever. She makes me smile ever single morning when I see her sweet face. Now when she wakes up she will look out the window and say " it's a good morning!"
I love you so much sweet Elle Belle

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