Wednesday, April 9, 2014

18 months

Sweet little missy turned 18 months on the 6th of March.
It is so hard for me to believe that she is growing so fast.
I just love her little attitude lately.
She just makes me smile and crazy all at the same time.

She wants to do all the things that the big kids do but if you ask her if she is a big girl or a silly goose she says " I baby"
I think she knows that she will get away with more if she stays the baby.

She loves loves loves her baby doll.
She also loves her blanket.
Both have to be near her at all times or things are not good in Annie's world.

Eating is another thing that is very dear to this little girls heart :)
If it is 515 and there is no food on the table yet she is hanging off her highchair smacking her lips.
I tell Ellie that one day Annie is going to be bigger than she is because Annie is such a good eater.

Here are some things we want to remember about you at 18 months
- your sweet smile. It lights up your whole face.
- your sweet soft curls. I think since your hair is getting longer you can feel your curls bouncing when you walk because every now and then you will reach back and feel them every now and then. 
- you way of telling somebody to move " beep, beep" it makes me laugh every time. 
- the way you run. My heart stops everytime because you are so bouncy I just know you are going to crash. Your daddy says that your feet go as high as they do far out when you run :)
- how you love to be outside. I think you would live out there if I let you. As soon as I get you out of the car you take off running across the yard and to the playset and play house.
- how you lead me into the lving room and pat the couch and say " sit momma" you love having your momma close by and I love being right beside you sweet girl.

You are growing and changing so much and we love watching you every single day. 
You have our heart sweet Annie Morgan

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