Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Summer Reading, sisters and strawberries

Last Wednesday we went to the Civic Center to help kick off the Summer Reading Program. It was a juggling/ magic show. Ellie loved it. Annie hated it πŸ˜€ You win some you loose some.

Since summer has started these two sisters have been fighting like cats and dogs. I blame it on the heat πŸ˜€ and spending too much time together...
So after all the fighting I have been hearing lately it sure did melt my heart to see this the other night after we sat down to watch a movie πŸ’—πŸ’—

The girls love to pick things. We have already been once this spring to pick strawberries but got rained out so we made one more trip to pick.
I knew it would be very hot so we left early and were able to pick 2 gallonsπŸ“

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