Thursday, July 16, 2015


The day after out anniversary we headed to Austin to celebrate.

It was a long weekend there and we had a great time and were kids free for 3 days thanks to Awmaw, Papaw and Aunt Emi

Matt had a job to check on out there and I had shopping to do :)
Right outside of Austin is the largest outlet mall in the country... 
I told Matt to drop me off at one end and see how far I get. 
Let me tell you I didn't get far in 7 hours. My problem was this store right here. Pottery Barn, Potyery Barn Kids and William Sinoma...3. Hours. That's all I'm going to say about that. 

After shopping and hod checking we headed to Fredericksburg to stay.
It was a cute western town with a major German influence.

We had a great time there. Every place we are was delicious. There was lots to see and lots to do.
We stayed in this little cottage in the Herb Garden...

We visited and partly climbed this HUGE granite formation. 

We visited this wild seed farm...

And of course shopped some more:)

Then we went to Autim to explore ...
On Bikes!!

Ate some awesome food...

Watched and waited for the bats...

Then headed home to see our girls! 

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