Tuesday, March 24, 2015


My sweet Grandaddy isn't doing very well. 
Just to write those words hurts my heart and fills my eyes with tears. He has always been and is so special to me. I have so so many memories with him and my granny. They are and have always been such a big part of my life. They are very special people and knowing they are struggling and hurting just kills me. 

We have been going over to Starkville where there live a lot the past few weeks. There are so many special memories that I have there. I love being there because it reminds me of so many happy good times that have past but now it is very sad and hard because I know things are changing. 

A few weeks ago my cousin Daisy and I were there together and we went running. We ran by the house that she was born in. We found where her sisters name was written in the concrete by her dad who is now gone. We talked about some of the memories she had with him. It's almost been two years since he has been gone. Life here on earth is so hard. 

I took a picture of her in front of her in their old house. It made my heart happy and ache all at the same time to think of all the things that have happened since she had lived there. 

I know that things change and that is the way life is here on earth. I just long for the day when our Savior makes everything right. 

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